•   Querida Thomas-Walker reacted to this post about 1 year ago
    Today is Friday March 3rd. I’m 20lbs heavier then what I was during the summer. I was 7lbs lighter last week and the weight gain has been very easy. I forgot what it’s like to weigh so much at 175lbs. My back feels it with twists and turns. I feel like I’ve pulled my back some days. My clothes don’t fit well, my belly over hangs, I feel my sides touching my arms when they hang. My ankles hurt from the extra weight gain. I see my double chin and some days I don’t feel like doing anything. Tired and exhausted. I am officially fat and now it’s time to get back to being fit. From fit to fat to fit is a humbling experience. Recalling all the struggles and the self conscious feelings of insecurity. Even depression wants to creep in. However I will win this battle of ups and downs. I’m losing this time by focusing on diet and walking. That’s it! You can join me in this journey and I would love for you to be my workout buddy or My WOAB. Let’s go.
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